Giovanni Zilli  (selected recent papers )


G. Zilli, L. Bergamaschi

Parallel Newton methods for sparse systems of non linear equations, Rendic. Circ. Matem. Palermo, Serie II, Suppl. 58 (1999) pp. 247-257.

L. Bergamaschi, G. Zilli

Parallel inexact Newton and interior point method, Ann. Univ. Ferrara - Sez VII - Sc. Mat., Supplemento al Vol. XLV, 467-478 (2000).

L. Bergamaschi, G. Zilli

Inexact Newton method and non-linear complementary problems, L. Vulkov, J. Wasniewski, and P. Yalamov (Eds.): NAA 2000, Lect. Notes in Comp. Scien., vol.1988, pp 84-92, 2001, Springer.

L. Bergamaschi, I. Moret and G. Zilli

Inexact Quasi-Newton methods for sparse systems of nonlinear equations,

 Future Generation Computer Systems, 18(1) (2001), pp. 41-53.


L. Bergamaschi, J. Gondzio and G. Zilli

Preconditioning Indefinite Systems in Interior Point Methods for Optimization,

         Computational Optimization and Applications,  Vol. 28, No. 2 (July 2004).


L. Bergamaschi, J. Gondzio and G. Zilli

Coap 2004 Best  PaperAward,

          Computational Optimization and Applications,  Vol. 31, No. 3 (July 2005).

         [PDF] [Coap/best]

L. Bergamaschi, J. Gondzio, Manolo Venturin and G. Zilli

         Inexact Constraint Preconditioners  for Linear Systems Arising in Interior Point Methods,

         Computational Optimization and Applications,  Vol. 36, No. 2-3 (April 2007).


L. Bergamaschi, Manolo Venturin and G. Zilli

        Constraint Preconditioners in Optimization.  N.34, 1--13 (Civil-Comp Press), 2010.

        In: Civil-Comp Press}, Valencia, september 14-17 , 2010.


L. Bergamaschi, J. Gondzio, Manolo Venturin and G. Zilli

         Erratum: Inexact Constraint Preconditioners  for Linear Systems Arising in Interior Point Methods,

        Computational Optimization and Applications,Vol. 49  (2011): pp. 401-406.
